This model is built out resin kit AMX 13 from German company WSW. The kit includes relatively small number of parts (hull, turret, gun barrel, wheels and tracks) but all of them (except tracks) are very well moulded and perfectly detailed.  The tracks could have better details. On the other hand it was very simple to shape to fit to the wheels.



The first part of my work was to clean each part. Then parts were glued together. It took me only 3hrs using cyano acrylate glue. I have got similar experience with Revell kits only. I expected more complications building resin model.


The extra bags, tarps and cans typical for IDF AFV came from very nice detailing from Goffy Models range. All was glued on before painting.


The camouflage and marking represents AMX 13 from Golan highlands, 1967.


The first painting step was preshading. All model is airbrushed with white and than lines airbrushed with very diluted black. Than I airbrushed basic camo color Humbrol 187. Than I made postshading with lightened (white added) diluted camo color airbrushed on centers of bigger areas. It wasn't simple to do it because this model is really small. Then satin Vallejo warmish was airbrushed as base for filters and wash. I used my favorite Humbrol 116 for filters. Several layers of filters reached greeny touch I wanted. 


Than I continued with painting of details (bags, tarps, cans..). When it's finished I made wash to dark all negative lines. The drybrush was used to highlight positive lines and details and make some chipping. Last step was MIG pigments I used to create dusty effect.


It's all about this model. Only I have to do is to make small model  base with little of terrain as I usually do.

Last few words about my impression. I can say that WSW offers good kit!

 Branislav Herain